Giving Tuesday 2023

Nov 27, 2023



Nathan is a mischievous 11-year-old with sparkling eyes who seeks to engage with his family, friends and classmates. Diagnosed with a rare congenital condition which resulted in cerebral palsy, Nathan is unable to move independently and speak.

He depends on his family and school support team for all his needs. Nathan’s parents envision a future for their son where he can communicate on his own.

Nathan needs specialized communication devices, Eye Gaze and an iPad, to give him his voice. This technology will enable him to use his eyes to express his needs and opinions. Your support is needed to help fund the $8,000 cost and your gift will be doubled by a very generous $4,000 matching offer from the Winnipeg Kinsmen.

Are you able to make a donation today to help brighten Nathan’s days?

Hearing Nathan’s voice for the first time as he shared his thoughts and feelings was truly inspiring. Your support will provide him with independence and the power to speak for himself. By giving now, you can help Nathan build relationships and communicate with confidence.

Please give and know you will be enhancing Nathan’s life.

Nathan and his family appreciate your generous support. You are giving them the most precious gift.