Four Manitoba youth gifted custom bikes at the Rodarama Car Show

May 2, 2024

This past weekend, the Manitoba Street Rod Association (MSRA) changed young lives. Thanks to their incredible generosity and the support of Freedom Concepts, four youth received new wheels at the 23rd annual Rodarama Car Show. A long-time supporter of the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation, the MSRA donates funds, bikes and toys to help children with disabilities in Manitoba. This year’s recipients, between the ages of five and ten, are excited to have the opportunity to ride a bike this summer.

“This gift allows my daughter to be able to enjoy her love of bike riding, being outside and feel included doing things her peers do,” said the mother of a bike recipient. “The exercise she will get is also great for her muscle development and motor skills.”

Children and youth living with disabilities often require customized and adapted bikes as well as other mobility equipment. The physical, therapeutic and social benefits of these bikes are tremendous, allowing children to participate in meaningful physical activity along with their peers, friends and family.

It is incredibly heartwarming to see a youth ride a bike for the first time,” said Jane Kidd-Hantscher, Executive Director of Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation. “The adaptive bike program at the Foundation is essential in creating an environment that boosts wellbeing, activity and freedom for children living with disabilities.”

Every spring CRF receives dozens of applications for this specialized equipment. The generous donations of organizations like the MSRA and individual community members help deserving youth participate and stay active.

If you are interested in supporting Manitoba youth and children living with disabilities through our adaptive bike program, please donate today.