Client & Family Programming & Resources
A variety of valuable programs and resources are available to the Centre’s diverse clients thanks to gifts from individuals, organizations and granting agencies.

SSCY Family Network Programming
The RCC/SSCY Family Network is a community of caregivers for children and youth ages 0-21 with additional needs in Manitoba. Under the direction of the RCC/SSCY Family Advisory Council, the Family Network offers a monthly newsletter, programs, and workshops to support families. The SSCY Family Network is fully donor funded and it is thanks to community generosity that invaluable programs such as Parent to Parent Café, Sib Shops, Youth Advisory Council and Caring for Caregivers are possible.
SSCY Family Resource Centre
The Family Resource Centre is a lending library, comfortable family space and information hub which provides a wide array of services to families of children with disabilities visiting the SSCY Centre.
FASD SOS Program
The Manitoba Stepping Out on Saturdays Program (aka “SOS Camp”) is a once-per-month therapeutic recreation program for children ages 5-12 years old with a diagnosis of FASD or who are on the waitlist for assessment with the Manitoba FASD Centre. Priority is given to children in care or supported by a child welfare agency.
FASD Family Network Youth Leadership
This vital donor-funded program is available to youth ages 15+ who are involved in the FASD family network, demonstrate interest in the program and exhibit leadership potential. The program focuses on building relationships, developing leadership skills and general health and mental health awareness. Participating youth can apply to be mentors in FASD programs.